Saturday, March 27, 2010

Just a Quickie!

Here is a little quick post. This was way to funny and I have to get it typed out so I never forget this sweet conversation.

Today we took a friend of Rachael's on a play date with us. We went to Burger King for lunch so the kids could play in the play area. Max (Rachael's play date) was having a good time, I think. Our oldest daughter found him hiding behind the slide and was worried something was wrong. She leaned over and asked if he was okay when he put his finger to his mouth and said "shhh". Then he said "be quiet I'm hiding from Rachael." . It was sort of sweet she just would not leave him alone. Rachael would pull him by the hand and say "come on lets go over here" and he would let go and say " I don't think so" and then go about his merry way. She would turn stomp her foot and then follow him. I sure did get a kick out of it. Rachael usually always gets her way with everyone. She has a way of manipulation and Max sure wasn't falling for her sweet girlie antics.

We all got in the car to pick up our son from his scout camp out and had to drive around the block a few times, because they were not back yet. While driving around there was the sweetest conversation going on in the back seat between Max and Rachael. It went like this.

Rachael..."I have this movie with a dead girl and a worm lives in her head (the Corpse Bride). It is a really good movie."
Max..." I know this movie of guy that has a lot of chocolate and there is a lot of singing in the movie." ( I think he was talking about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory).
Rachael..."We just got this new movie the Princess and the Frog and she sings this song that is like this." She proceeded to sing a little bit of the song.
It was then quiet in the back of the car for a minute.
Rachael..."Max do you want to kiss me?"
Max..."No, not right now."
Rachael..."You'll want to kiss me when I'm bigger."
Rachael..."Yeah you will want to kiss me when I grow up...TRUST ME."
Max..."Like when I'm this big." He then reaches his arms way out.
Rachael..."Yeah when your that big OH YEAH! you want to kiss me."
Max... "Oh okay"

These are sweet childhood moments. I love that Rachael has such great little friends who are a joy to be around. These are the moments I live for. I love being a mom and I am so lucky I have time to share these moments with my kids. I know why Rachael loves this little guy so much. Max has a little spirit that just shines. What a joy to be around such innocence.
Today I sat at that Burger King watching all these little kids run about and I have to say something just hit me differently today. I have never thought of my self as much of a kid person.
To be honest, kids are sort of YUCKY and can sometimes be annoying. Today was different for me and I'm not sure why but, I truly felt love in my heart for little kids I've never even met. Taking a moment to actually observe these sweet little spirits opened my eyes to something. Their innocence is something to behold and to help protect. Children are true blessings from our Father in Heavenly and being a mom is truly amazing.

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