Friday, January 1, 2010

It is officially 2010

This New Year is already off to what I hope will be a great year. We were approved for our new home loan and will finally meet with a realtor this coming Friday. The projects around the house are coming along as planned and yes, I am feeling some pressure. I know that this move will be what is best for our family right now and am excited for a new adventure. Most of my stress comes from wanting this place to be perfect for the new family that will soon live here. It is funny, we don't officially have a house yet and I am okay with that. I know the Lord will provide what we need when the time is right. I hope our new place is somewhat smaller and has less major projects and more detail projects. Living in this house for the last 9 years has given me much insight into what I am looking for in a home. Less square footage is great if it has more live in space. The way I see it is, the smaller the house the less I have to clean, and that comes in handy when wanting to spend precious time with my kids before they are all grown up and off on their own.
I am sad that this winter break will soon be coming to an end. I love having my kids in the house. We have had a wonderful time visiting with all of our family. However, I especially missed my sister and brother- in- law this holiday season. If this year permits, I hope to spend this 2010 Christmas with them and my new niece puppy (sweet pea) whom I have yet to meet. There is only one more thing that would make things a little bit better and that is a less snow. Every time I think this stuff is about to melt away a new front rolls in and we get another 2 inches or so. Spring really can not come fast enough to the Kearney house hold. I have not had much time to give thought to my new years resolutions, but there are things I hope to get better at this year.
Wishing all of you a prosperous 2010.



Sima said...

wow, you use amazing words. They inspire me!

Rhonda said...

Sima, Thank you for reading my blog and the sweet comment.

shayster said...

wishing you luck in finding a home....Wished we could be neighbors!! Is there some farm land out here?

Rhonda said...

Shay, I am moving into town and did find a house if only this one sells fast enough. I will be closer for a while. Are you guys looking out of town? Might need some daycare tips. I am crazy for thinking this but, really feel like I might do daycare for a while. It will be most beneficial for Christyn and I will not have to take her to some preschool for socializing.