Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Saturday

I think we might have sold the house and that is great news. We will know more by Monday. Did some shopping with my mom today and left Brandon at her house to stay the night. We just got home from little Lizzy Bradford's baptism and had a wonderful time. I love the 8 year old baptisms. I am so happy for her and I was glad we could be there to celebrate with her. She is the sweetest little girl and such a joy to be around.
It's no secret that I hardly ever make it to church on time, so tomorrow will be a true test for me, when I have to show up a half hour earlier than normal for a meeting. This will be Brandon's first week passing sacrament and I hope I don't get all emotional on him. I am so proud of that kid and the choices he makes.
Life is just crazy busy right now, but droppin' in to update what's going on in the Kearney household. Just can't wait to get moved and have all this over with and be settled already.

Have a blessed Sunday,

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