Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I love snow days as much as anyone else, but by day number three it starts to loose something. I am still fighting this stupid cold I have had since Sunday and I just wish I could pack a bag and hop a plane back to California. Weeks like this come and I seriously wonder why I ever moved back to Nebraska. I miss the smell of the ocean and the sun on my face. I know I would never have met my husband and had all these beautiful children if I had not moved back to Nebraska but, I like to dream that we could seriously pack up the kids and move somewhere warmer. It is so funny to me to hear my Cali friends complain about it dropping into the 30's at night, while I sit here stuck in the house for three days and in negative degree temperatures.

It is not even so much that I am stuck in the house but, the fact that I am still sick. Winter comes and I swear we are constantly sick. I'm not sure why we are sick so much. I sanitize this place like crazy and hardly take the little ones out in hopes that they do not get something. Most often the little ones get sick first and then we all follow. Maybe our odds are higher considering there are so many of us all living under the same roof. It is most curious to me that my husband never gets sick. My theory to that is, he is never around the kids. I am with them non-stop as they are always wiping their little snotty noses all over my shirt and coughing in my face while we read stories together and drooling on me as they fall asleep watching movies. He says it is that I just have a poor immune system and he has some sort of amazing immune system. Just hoping this winter season ends quickly. I am anxious for spring and am afraid it is nowhere in site. I am glad there is so much to keep me busy around the house these days and can't wait to get out this weekend when it warms up to, oh say, 20 degrees.


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