Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I missed my blog

Over a month and no blogging... what's up with that. I seriously can't believe how busy I have been since school started. Between painting projects, home remodel projects, 3 different jobs, and kids sick with the H1N1, I have met myself coming and going. With the colder weather coming I sure hope things will slow down and get back to a pace I can manage better. I seriously have missed blogging and spending that time clearing my thoughts and sharing with you, my readers.

This month I was invited to jump on the 52 week challenge. I am now three weeks into the challenge and really enjoy that extra time I have with myself and my camera. Anyone want to take a shot at it here are the details, which are fairly simple. Take a photo of yourself every week for 52 weeks. Now, that sounds easy, right.

My running schedule has slowed down some due to a pulled calf muscle. This week is my first week back and it is going to be slow building back up to where I was. I am still taking it pretty easy, hoping I don't do any further damage. The plus side to all the running is, I finally lost the weight from my last kid who just turned 2.

Now, to things slowing down and getting back to what I love, which is, hangin' with my kids, creating art, playing with my camera, and blogging.


52 Week Challenge

Week 1/52

Week 2/52

Week 3/52

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