Monday, December 1, 2008

8 Things!

Well I have never filled one of these things out but willing to give it a go.
I hope that when I was reading Ann's blog, when she said Tag Rhonda..that meant me.

This meme is called 8 Things …
8 TV shows
1. The Hills
2. Eli Stone
3. Private practice
4. Samantha who?
5. pushing up daisies
6. Brother's and Sister's
7. Cold Case
8. CSI

8 things I did yesterday
1. Slept a lot
2. washed Wade's uniforms
3. ate left-overs
4. gave the girls breathing treatments
5. made 1 clay ornament
6. facebook
7. cleaned the kids bathroom with disinfectant
8. slept more (like 12 hrs of sleep and I still don't feel any better)

8 places I love to eat
I really don't eat out much so I will just pick what I once had or what sounds good
1.Olive Garden
2. Applebee's
3. Little Mexico
4. Subway
5. Ruby Tuesday....salad bar
6. French Cafe'
7. Chili's
8. Roman's

8 things I am looking forward to
1. Summer
2. No more sickness
3. My treadmill everyday and not being on it because I'm so sick
4. Visits from family
5. Swimming in my pool
6. the chiropractor
7. carpet in Liz's new room
8. remodel work that I need to do on the house

8 things on my wish list
I'm going for the selfish side of me. I hope no one is offended
1. An Apple computer
2. medical bills and credit cards paid ( credit card was for more medical bills)
3. For my family to be healthy the rest of the year
4. New Carpet
5. A Toyota like my sisters or gas to stay at $1.75 a gallon
6. not to be in primary. (nothing against anyone I just struggle personally when I am in primary)
7. a super clean house.....everything pressed, washed, and scrubbed.
8. a week to myself but, not at home, unless the house is already cleaned

8 people to tag
i don't know 8 people so who ever feels like filling this out I tag you

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes, I did mean you! Missed you Sunday at churcH! Wondered if you are sick! Sorry! Hope you all start felling better! You deserve it!

The 8 list or other meme's are fun when you don't have a lot of time to blog and you feel like you want to write but...

Please let me bring you dinner! I would love to!