Friday, June 4, 2010

Awww Sweet Summertime!

Who doesn't love swimming in the lake, playing outdoors until all hours of the night, planting fresh veggies, food on the grill, and just plain loungin' around on the back deck. I love this time of year. The sun is shinning and my spirits are always high. Maybe, there is one little downside to summer, there is always 10 times the cleaning. The top surface of my tub is about to be scrubbed off with the sand, mud, and grass clippings.
So, this week I officially started the Body for Life program, again. I found some new recipes on their website. I made out my menu plan and shopping list, now I'm just excited to try a few of these babies out. I love this program and the results I get, but it is always difficult to find recipes the entire household will eat. I hope that with some of these recipes I will have less time in the kitchen preparing meals for me and meals for the rest of the gang. Really, no one likes to have to cook twice for each meal. And, if this doesn't work then they will be fending for themselves.
On another note, the creative bug has been biting again. My soul is craving creativity. I need to get my hands on something clay, paper, paint....anything really. With vacation, gardening, farm work, and the annual cleaning, there has been little creative time around here. Unless, you count the hours I spend on Photoshop. I am challenging myself this week to create something. I might have to look up a few challenges on the internet and see what I find.



thoughts of a Wicked Stepmother said...

I love looking at your creativity behind the lens, it is inspirational! I cant wait to see what you do!

Rhonda said...

Thanks Melane! Just wish those were my flowers and not some planted at the zoo. Happy to Inspire!!!