Wednesday, August 5, 2009

So long scrapbooking

I blame the economy and so much more. I am extremely sad to announce that I feel the death of my passion and hobby is approaching. I really felt like this was my year to make my way into the magazines that I always seem to OOOH over. How disappointing to find out that they have officially canceled the Memory Makers Master contest and the Magazine is no longer. Then I also learn that my all time favorite scrapbooking magazine, Creating Keepsakes, has been sold and there will be some changes I am sure. There is also a local scrapbook store that is struggling to keep it's doors open. What does this mean for the future of scrapbookers? What now? This is my question for myself. What can I do to break out of the norm and be creative and successful. Well, for now I will stay true to the fact that I do this hobby because, I love it. I love watching my kids reminisce over the good ol' days. The good thing for me is maybe there is a pressure lifted. I should not scrap to try and get published but, remember that I create memory albums because, I love too.

Just a little thought
until next time

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