Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mother's Day

Normally I would not be so excited about mother's day because, around here it is just another day. I do not receive any special treatment and I rarely receive any gifts . I still have to change diapers, clean the house and cook meals. Most years my husband has even completely forgot it was mother's day and that's okay because, he can't remember my birthday either. I was so excited to have a knock at my door from the postman and a box was presented to me from my brother (Greg) and my sister in-law (Kami). I was a little shocked because, months can pass by before I ever here from them. I tore open my package and proceeded to jump up and down and scream with sheer delight. Yes, you guessed it I unwrapped Christian Bale, no not really, it was the most awesome handbag ever. My bro and Kami sent me a coach bag. I could not believe it. My bag came with a registration form and a serial # I thought I might have just received a house hold appliance. How awesome, they just gave me a mother's day I will never forget. The fact that I have drooled over a coach bag for a few years now is not the best part it was that fact that they cared enough to wish me a happy mother's day. I am trully touched by their generosity. You guys ROCK big time and I love you both.