Sunday, January 11, 2009

Well it is now 2:00am and I am sitting here waiting for my primary calenders to print so I decided to blog for a bit.
Yesterday I sat in a lecture for autism and social disorders from 8:30-3:00 and I was like a sponge. I tried to soak up all the information I could on Aspergers and the autism spectrum. I learned so much and hope that I can apply some of what I learned to my son's social life. I found some new ways to help him calm himself when he is having a ragging fit or if he is just overly excited. There are still so many things I am recognizing in his behavior that I never paid much attention to before.
His best friend Logan came over to play and Brandon spun circles in the kitchen flapping his hands on his legs. He looked like a little penguin. This is something he does often but I never realized it was a result from his Aspergers. He was filled with so much joy and just did not know how to contain himself. I later spoke to my mom about this and she said " Isn't it amazing we find this abnormal when we should all be so happy". At first I really was not sure what she meant by the comment. I thought to myself about that and why should we have to contain our excitement. Brandon was just so happy to be with his friend he didn't know how to express it. I once watched a TV show called Boston Legal ( not much of a TV watcher but caught this one episode) there is a Lawyer with aspergers and when he got excited right before his case he flapped his hands to his legs the same way Brandon did.
I was also able to view tape of children on the autism spectrum and wow are these kids amazing. The way their minds comprehend things is unfathomable. It was amazing to watch this one junior high child and the way his mind would work. As this kid was being questioned he was drawing the most amazing airplanes and their aerodynamics. Most of the kids had certain areas that they just excelled in and they all loved to read and had superb reading comprehension. After all I learned and viewed yesterday I have high hopes for my son's future. In my last post I didn't think he could be like Einstein and I now take that back. He could be so much greater. He will accomplish so much in his life and he has the gospel to help lead him where he needs to be.

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