This week I sent one more child off to school. Rachael started preschool this week and was so excited. Thursday she came home and told me she was already bored at preschool which probably was not a good thing. After the first day we had a conversation in the car that went something like this.
Mom.."Rachael did you have fun at preschool"? Rachael.."yeah mom, it was okay".
Pause of silence.
Rachael.." no one said my outfit was cute or that I looked pretty".
Mom.."Rachael you are pretty".
Rachael.." I know I am pretty".
Mom..." Yes, Rachael you are pretty".
Rachael..." I said, I know I am pretty".
I did not know if I should laugh or pray that she will not always be this vain. I thought quite a bit about what she said. I realize that someone is always telling her she is cute or pretty and to finally be in a group of people and no one telling her how cute she is, must have been a total shock for her. I think this preschool thing will be better for her than I thought. I realize not all 4 year old kids are all about what clothes they wear and have shoe addictions. I wonder if fashion designers start out young like this and maybe she will just be the next Coco Chanel. Whatever the case may be, I sure hope she stays true to herself.

We also welcomed this new addition. Liz brought this beauty home, an alto saxophone. My youngest brother Brandon and I played this same instrument when we were young and I assume that is why Liz chose the sax.
She has graced the front steps of our home with all the sounds of a beginner. The neighbors have stepped out of their homes to witness this first hand and have lent their support with kind words, "Way to go Liz" and " Keep Practicing". I am proud of her. I know she had talent with the piano and I sure wish she would have stuck with it but, if the sax is her calling then so be it. I just want her to keep with something and enjoy it.
Not much else for news in the Kearney household. I am finishing up wallpapering the girls bedroom and trying to put up trim and paint the hallway. This house has given me non-stop projects and I really want to get done and just enjoy for awhile.
My summer job starts next week and I am painting homes on a more regular basis which is good financially. I don't mind painting, it is almost therapeutic for me. Funny thing is the more I work on other peoples homes the less I get done on my own. Grateful for the jobs non the less. Not much time for anything creative these days so, until tomorrow.
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