So, here go my random thoughts for the month of August...Where did the summer go? I can't believe we are again, back to school. Brandon a sixth grader and Liz in the fifth. Rachael starts preschool in September and
Christyn is so sad to see everyone go in the mornings. Still working on the house. Wanted to start wallpapering the girls room but, my job starts this week and don't want to drown myself with more projects. Excited to have this seasonal job. Almost done with the canning season and that never happens this early. Still have apples and some pears to go and maybe some more tomatoes. This is the first year I canned cinnamon pickles and let me just tell you these things rock. Yes they are loaded with sugar but, the kids and I just love them. Already spotted a monster buck on the hay field and hope that means Wade might have a good season. I use to hate this time of year, not fall but, all the male stuff ...hunting, football, farm work but, the last few years we have not had TV in our home and he has to go to his parents to watch football and most often he offers to take the kids. What does this mean, well, I get a lot of work done around the house and extra creative hours so, yeah for that. Anxious to get a full time job and pay some debt. One week of school down and it is going well so far. My son seems to be getting more social. The other day he said they were in class and everyone was talking and Mrs.
Bently told them to get ready for social studies and quit chatting and his reply was "Mrs.
Bently we are being social." I guess the teacher and kids laughed. One of the girls in his class said " It's scary we actually are understanding Brandon." In a way I was sad about that until someone pointed out it is not Brandon. The other students are finally maturing and understanding his level of thinking. I hope he has a great year, I hope they all have a great year. Birthdays are around the corner and for once I will not be trowing any huge extravaganza's and that is an added relief right now. My uncle sent our family gift cards to SUBWAY and I delivered sandwiches to the school. The kids just loved that. Need to get more photography time in. Might try the 52 week thing starting in September. Running like crazy and today I finished 5 miles in under an hour with a twisted ankle. Signed up for some BIGGEST LOSER challenge some of the ladies our doing in my town. I signed up 2 weeks late so, I have some serious catching up to do. The top prize is over 100$ and I could really use that money. Nothing motivates someone like a few extra bucks. Went to see my brother, Brandon compete in the Lincoln Xterra and had an awesome time. He is such a motivation. For once in my life I might be a little stressed about the economy and the way things are going in Washington.....praying for a better tomorrow.
That's all for this month, until September.
Pictures from my brother's Xterra race in Lincoln NE
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