Thursday, June 11, 2009

Summer Plans

I know, lots of picture posting and not so much rambling. I am covered in oil based primer and hoping to have some of the furniture pieces done before tomorrow. It was quite funny, I thought I had used latex primer until I went to wash my brush and the paint was not coming off. Really, no big deal. Paint is my new accessory these days. I'm not to happy about all the rain we keep getting. I would love to do some painting outside and maybe even get in the pool this summer.
Spending this weekend at my sister in-laws. They are in the process of buying a new house and I am so happy for them. They have two kiddos and are living in a tiny two bedroom so, I am sure they will be happy to have more room. I am anxious to see her screened in porch, so jealous. I wish our porch was screened in and I could have a big wrap-around front porch. Dreams!
I spent most of yesterday scouting out the Black Hills on line. I found some places that look like fun and are also free. I am now trying to talk my husband into one more day there. I'm not sure if he is willing to sacrifice his hunting time. I keep telling him I could die tomorrow and he would feel bad he did not take the time to be with me and the kids. Yes, my tactics are conning but, I really think he would have just as much fun and with him working so much lately we hardly ever see him. I would love to take this day long train ride from Keystone to Hill City. As you can probably tell I am very excited about this vacation. It is our only family vacation with just us. We are also camping with my family for a whole week up at Sherman Reservoir. My uncle is bringing his boat and so, I am anxious to do some tubing, maybe. I know my kids are excited to spend some time with their cousins and Brandon really wants to do some fishing. Most likely making a fast trip to Utah to see some of my dad's family and then just some weekend getaways. We hardly ever do traveling for the summer but, this year it is all about spending some quality time with my family and for some reason there is more quality when we are not home and no where near a phone. We are so blessed that we can do this right now before the kids get to much older and just want to hang out with friends all summer.
Hoping that all will have a summer filled with family and fun.

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