Friday, March 27, 2009


Two weeks ago this dog showed up on our front step. The kids have now named it midnight and claimed it for their own. I swore I would never do this to myself. He has now found his home on my back deck and my husband is feeding it. GREAT! I have been amazed at how well behaved he has been around the kids even Christyn. Today I officially caved in and went to talk to a friend that works for the city. I guess we will be adopting the pup and taking him in for shots. I am still surprised someone just left this dog. I guess that is what they call fate. The kids are already trying to talk me into letting him in the house and I am sorry but, this is where I put my foot down. They were worried he would get sick and cold if it snowed tonight. This was my reasoning animals are meant to be outside and you do not see us rounding up the cattle to bring them in the house when it gets cold. They all laughed and then asked if we could at least build him a dog house. This will be our project for next week. It does not take much for me to fold with these kids. I'm not sure I have never won a battle and wonder what the teenage years have in store for me. Last but not least I am surely not looking forward to picking up you know what in the yard before I have to mow this summer. It is funny how fast we attach to something lost.
Yes, I admit it I really do like the silly dog.


thoughts of a Wicked Stepmother said...

Rhonda, I would be a sucker too, Look at those big puppy eyes, how could you do anything but love him?

Anonymous said...

Midnight is such a gorgeous dog. Congratulations on the new addition!
: )
-aunt ika

shayster said...

maybe I should come and visit and see if the puppy has stayed outside? :P