Friday, December 26, 2008

New Year here I come.

Christmas is over and my family has gone. It's a sad thought how we get older and the Holiday is over in the blink of an eye. I am looking forward to this new year and planning many changes in my life some of those changes I have already set forth. This is the first time I have felt anxious about starting a New. I hope I can keep up with my goals and motivation and be able to accomplish all that is on my to-do list. I'm ready for better health and a cleaner house (remodel projects complete), and most of all new career moves. I am simply loving my life right now. This past year has truly been a reflection of what is important and that "things" do not make us who we are. I would love to get out of debt by the end of 2009 and I know we can do it if we remember not to live of the world.

As my sister drove away last night I realized I might just miss that dog of hers that became a part of our family for 2 years. I'm not sure what I will do without dog slobber kisses, barking in the middle of the night, laying in the middle of the floor, fur balls everywhere, rushing the door when I come home, feeding and watering. Cinnamon has had a huge impact on my life and I might just miss her more than I thought. NO! NO! NO! I am not breaking down to get a dog anytime soon but, maybe in the future when I find myself alone in the studio and my kids are no longer at the age of needing me. Thank You! To my sister and Chris for trusting me with their #1 in their lives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had a beautiful Christmas with you. I know 2009 will be a great year for you and your family. Best wishes with the goals you will reach for in the new year!
I miss Cinnamon too :-(
God bless,