Wednesday, November 19, 2008

High School Memories

Today I was in Walmart and I notice this lady smile at me and the thought comes to my mind "Gosh she looks so familiar". It takes me a while to think about it and then BAM! it comes to me as I took a second glance in the aisle next to me. I realize this is the girl that almost got me kicked out of school and Yes!, arrested. I had flashbacks of me sitting handcuffed in a cop car and the police officer telling me I picked a fight with the wrong person because her dad is a lawyer and a friend of his. For all those reading who know me also know exactly who I am talking about, Erin Schroeder. I remember this girl, not even 5 feet tall pushing me from behind and picking a fight with me my junior year. No joke,who was she kidding pushing me. I didn't want to fight her and I don't like to resort to violence but, this chick had it out for me from day one and I still don't know why. I probably will never forget that moment. She pushed me from behind as I was walking out of school with my brother,Greg. I turned around in shock and then turned to my brother with a look on my face, like I just couldn't believe what just happened. She came at me a second time and I could no longer stand there and do nothing about it so, instead of hitting her I simply grabbed her and threw her down the somewhat large hill in front of the high school. There were groups of kids on their way to the parking lot that all stopped, turned around and ran back up the hill to see what happened. As she rolled down the hill the crowd laughed and I felt bad. I went down the hill to try to rationalize with her when she started kicking me as she lay on the ground. She was going crazy as I stood there in shock. She got up and tried to hit me and that is when I socked her right in the face. There was blood all over my hand and I started to cry and head back up the hill. It was over. She had finally had enough. I was shaking so bad when I got to my brother. I was worried I hurt her bad because of all the blood on my hand until, I realized it was my own blood. I cut myself on her barrette when I hit her.

So, back to today, when I saw her I couldn't help but wonder if she even knew who I was. I watched her as she checked out with her husband and two kids. I thought to myself we are not so very different if only she could have seen that back then. Now, we are both raising families and driving mini vans. I also couldn't help but wonder what that moment in high school was like for her. She missed a week of school because, she didn't want anyone to see her black eye. Still today, people from high school talk about the fight like it was the funniest thing they ever saw. I am embarrassed when people meet me and this is the first thing they recall about me. The guys at school all said they were afraid of me because of that fight. I was really misunderstood and felt like life had been unfair. Today I stood tall with out embarrassment and realized how blessed I am and of course anyone can see that. I must have been a real threat to her back then. Now I am flattered that she felt like she had to fight me to make herself feel better. I truly hope she is happy in her life as I am in mine and just maybe a lesson was taught many years ago, and for me a lesson learned. I hope I will run into her again and this time say Hi.

1 comment:

kraftyladyincali said...

thanks for leaving a note on my blog. HOly cow, we have a lot in common! I'm mormon too, and i still live in cali.. your 4 year old looks just like my daughter jadyn! your clay work rocks!