Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Random October pictures

Fall is here and in full bloom. It almost feels like winter is approaching. This weekend we will set back our clocks and bunker down for the winter. I am learning to accept and almost enjoy the winter months. I love gettin' cozy with my family watching a good movie and drinking hot cocoa. The house is warmed by the oven and the scent of baked goods. Catching up with the simple times. Reading while snuggled up in a throw and listening to giggles of 4 kids up and down the hallway...Yah..things don't get better than this.

Some random fall shots from the backyard. There is something so beautiful about the change of season.

Christyn at our church fall party. She is the sweetest little giraffe.

And Rachael as Cinderella with a mouth full of candy.

Elizabeth as a good witch or something like that.

This was the cutest picture of Christyn and another little 1 year old in our ward. They just didn't know what to think about each other.

The great pumpkin patch. Our neighbor is so good to our kids. Every year he has the kids over to his house to help plant the pumpkin patch and then we get all the pumpkins we want for just the price of picking them. It was a thrill to see all the mini pumpkins and the white ones.

Brandon... does not really get into the fall-halloween thing so he went in to watch Christyn while we picked pumpkins from our pumpkin patch in the backyard.

Rachael and Liz running through the pumpkin patch.

Rachael sure loves her little sister. This was not staged I just got lucky I had the camera out and ready from earlier pictures.

My sister's pour dog ( cinnamon) the girls wanted to dress her up too. I wonder if the dog will get more candy than the girls. She is a diva dog.

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