Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Not so Productive

Today I set out to finish a major task of sanding and painting an entire bedroom set for my daughters room. Well, that just didn't happen. Oh, I sanded and cleaned and had the furniture ready. I even filled the spray gun with paint, only to find out I needed a different nozzle for the Compressor. Let me tell you, I was a little frustrated. I really wanted to get this done today. I knew my husband had the nozzle somewhere and I just could not find it. While I waited for him to get back from fixin' fence I decided to mow the lawn and wash down the house and deck. I swear our house is a different color now, didn't realize how dirty it was. I know what you are thinking, who washes the outside of their house. I try to scrub it down every spring and it looks so nice after wards. I got in 4 loads of laundry and by the time he got home it was almost 3 pm and I was too tired to mess with the furniture. Besides, I had been chasing the two little ones this whole time and the older two would be home shortly. I knew if I started in on painting I would only have to stop soon so I could get ready for Boyscouts and a Primary meeting. I hope I can get them finished by the end of the week, but after today I won't get my hopes up, to high. Tomorrow is the kids track meet. I will be there all day shooting pics and hopefully having some fun. I'm now tired and cranky and very disappointed in the day I've had. I am going to chill and watch Blind Side, sew some flowers for headbands, and wait for the antibiotics to start helping with the sinus-ear infection that is driving me crazy. It's 10pm and the house is quiet and this is when my real job starts. Praying the 2 year old doesn't decide to get up at 2:30 am and have a party again tonight.
sorry to all my blog readers for my absolute crabbiness. I promise I will be better tomorrow or at least when this week is finally over.

Posting some before and afters of the furniture some time this week.

1 comment:

shayster said...

girlfriend, this is your blog, your life, you can crab all you want! we still love you!