Tuesday, January 27, 2009


This is my sculpture of Dottie and she is a shelf sitter made from Polymer clay. Dottie was an adorable painting I was lucky enough to purchase for a good deal from my sister-in-law, Erika Jessop. I was talking with Erika the other day and the topic was art as it often is. I could sit for hours just devouring her brain. I think I probably drive her crazy sometimes. Anyways, we talked about, me making clay figures from her sketches and I was so excited I had to start right away. I hope she does not mind the use of Dottie. Anyone who has been to my house has seen Dottie. I will try and post a picture of her painting later. So, this is my interpretation of Dottie. I had a blast making her. I was able to break away from the by- the- book clay figures I am use to making. Dottie has now inspired a few other girls I am working on this week. They are holiday related and will hopefully be at Gealey's and coming soon my Etsy shop.

My Etsy was suppose to be up and running this month but, there has been one thing after another. This weekend I was notified that my bank account is in an investigation. So, Today I had to cancel my debit card and start all over again. When I went down to the bank the lady I usually deal with was not in and the other 2 could not seem to figure out how to order me a new card. I will wait until Friday when Janet returns and I can finally get some things squared away. The funny thing is I just opened the account last week and I am already encountering problems, it might be a sign to find another bank...He He He. If I can keep enough product coming I should be up and running by the end of the month. I have to think this is a great thing because, why else would all the trials come. It is, as if something is seriously trying to stop me from pursuing my adventure. This time nothing is stopping me, postponing maybe, stopping ...Never!

1 comment:

shayster said...

I love her!! I can't wait to see what you have to offer! I'm way excited for you girlfriend!